Affiliate Faculty, Department of Nutrition
Contact Information
Email: jfahey2@gmu.edu
Personal Websites
Dr. Fahey is a nutritional biochemist with broad training and extensive background in plant physiology, human nutrition, phytochemistry and nutritional biochemistry. He spent 27 years as a faculty member at the Johns Hopkins Schools of Medicine (Department of Medicine and Department of Pharmacology & Molecular Sciences) and Public Health (Department of International Health). Until retiring in mid-2020, he ran the Cullman Chemoprotection Center at Johns Hopkins University, which he helped to create, and which has for many years developed plant-based nutritional strategies for chronic disease prevention in humans. Many of his studies deal with the glucosinolates and isothiocyanates that are found primarily in cruciferous vegetables and in a nutritious tropical tree called the drumstick tree or Moringa oleifera. Dr. Fahey also taught graduate courses in both the School of Public Health and School of Medicine. Before joining the JHU faculty in 1993, he spent 15 years in the biotechnology industry and held senior management positions in research and process development.
- Sc.D., Human Nutrition, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2004
- M.S., Botany, University of Maryland, 1978
- B.A., Natural Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, 1975